Figure 1.
KNU and WUS Expression Patterns.
(A) Confocal observation of the doubly transgenic inflorescence for ProWUS:GFP-ER (Gordon et al., 2007) (red) and ProKNU:KNU-VENUS (green), which was confirmed to rescue knu-1 (Sun et al., 2014). *, shoot apical meristem. Numbers, floral stages (Smyth et al., 1990).
(B) Higher magnification of the side view of a stage 6 floral bud of ProWUS:GFP-ER ProKNU:KNU-VENUS. The inset in (B) is the close-up of the central zone, showing WUS and KNU expression in meristematic cells.
(C) ProKNU:KNU-GUS (Sun et al., 2009) staining in a wild-type flower at stage 8. Bars = 50 µm for (A) to (C).
(D) to (I) GUS staining of ProWUS:GUS and ProKNU:KNU-GUS in the wild-type inflorescences, early stage 6 and stage 7 flowers.
(D) to (F) ProWUS:GUS staining in inflorescence (D), early stage 6 flower bud (E), and late stage 6 flower bud (F).
(G) to (I) ProKNU:KNU-GUS staining in inflorescence (G), early stage 6 flower bud (H), and late stage 6 flower bud (I). Bars = 100 μm for (D) to (I).