CRF increases the spontaneous firing of striatal cholinergic interneurons. a, Example traces from CINs recorded in the NAc before and after vehicle (top) or CRF (100 nm; bottom) is bath applied. b, Firing rate before and following CRF application in CINs recorded in NAc or DS. c, d, Time course of CRF/vehicle effects on CIN firing frequency normalized to the baseline, recorded in NAc (c) or DS (d). e, Semi-log plot of CRF effect (% baseline) as a function of baseline firing frequency recorded from individual CINs in NAc (green) or DS (blue). f, Average baseline firing frequencies of NAc CINs from each [CRF] (0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 nm) group. g, Time course of CRF effects on normalized CIN firing frequency with different [CRF] (0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 nm) in the NAc. h, CRF effect (% baseline) was fit to a sigmoid curve as a function of CRF concentration. ****, denotes statistical significance p < 0.0001.