Table 3c.
STD | Outcome | King | Pierce | Spokane |
Early syphilisa | Partners notified by DIS or OP after interview | 110 | 314 | 97 |
Partners tested after interview | 49 | 237 | 89 | |
Partners treated after interview | 42 | 220 | 71 | |
Clientsb with new HIV diagnosis | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
OPs re-linked to HIV care | 1 | - | - | |
PrEP referrals acceptedc | 19 | 39 | 2 | |
Gonorrhea | Partners notified by DIS or OP after interview | 147 | 228 | 73 |
Partners tested after interview | 10 | 121 | 107 | |
Partners treated after interview | 16 | 157 | 90 | |
Clientsb with new HIV diagnosis | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
OPs re-linked to HIV care | 1 | - | - | |
Chlamydia | Partners notified by DIS or OP after Interview | 193 | 160 | 64 |
Partners tested after interview | 26 | 91 | 69 | |
Partners treated after interview | 35 | 143 | 59 | |
Clientsb with new HIV diagnosis | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
OPs re-linked to HIV care | 1 | - | - | |
Gonorrhea/chlamydia | PrEP referrals acceptedc | 27 | 16 | 16 |
Abbreviations: STD, sexually transmitted disease; PS, partner services; OP, original patient; DIS, disease intervention specialist; PrEP, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis; N/A, not available
Syphilis may include coinfections with GC and/or CT. GC may include coinfections with CT. CT refers to CT only infections.
Clients refers to any STD PS cases, partners, or other contacts.
Data for PrEP referrals accepted for King county includes OPs only and were estimated using empiric data. For Pierce and Spokane, PrEP referral data was collected via staff report for average weekly (Pierce) or quarterly (Spokane) numbers in 2018 and includes all STD PS client referrals (both cases and partners)