Table 2.
Comparison of perinatal outcomes among groups.
Inadequate weight gain (n:62) | Normal weight gain (n:430) | Excessive weight gain (n:80) | p-value | |
Gestational age at delivery (week) | 37,95±1,33a | 38,50±1,33b | 38,47±1,53b | 0.010 |
Fetal weight (g) | 3063±279a | 3395±321b | 3652±324c | <0.001 |
Low birth weight <2.5kgs (n%) | 4 (6,4%) | 22 (5,1%) | 3 (3,7%) | 0.765 |
Birth weight > 4.0kgs (n%) | 2 (3,2%) | 21 (4,8%) | 5 (6,2%) | 0.711 |
SGA (n%) | 6 (9,6%) | 30 (6,9%) | 5 (6,2%) | 0.702 |
LGA (n%) | 2 (3,2%) | 28 (6,5%) | 7 (8,7%) | 0.414 |
Male sex (n%) | 34 (54,8%) | 223(51,8%) | 41(51,2%) | 0.887 |
Induction of labor (n%) | 13 (20,9%) | 77 (19,0%) | 19(23,7%) | 0.571 |
Delivery<37 weeks (n%) | 5 (8,0%) | 35 (8,1%) | 5 (6,2%) | 0.868 |
Cesarean delivery for nonreassuring fetal heart rate testing (n%) | 3 (4,8%) | 17 (3,9%) | 4 (5%) | 0.881 |
Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (n%) | 4 (6,4%) | 25(5,8%) | 7 (8,7%) | 0.841 |
TTN (n%) | 3 (4,8%) | 20 (4,6%) | 4 (5%) | 0.988 |
RDS (n%) | 1 (1,6%) | 4 (0,9%) | 1 (1,25%) | 0.864 |
Hyperbilirubinemia(n%) | 2 (3,2%) | 7 (1,6%) | 3 (3,6%) | 0.386 |
SGA: small for gestational age, LGA: large for gestational age, TTN: transient tachypnea of the newborn, and RDS: respiratory distress syndrome.
Note. Different superscripts indicate statistically significant differences. Fetal weight was significantly lower in inadequate weight gain group compared to normal weight gain group (p<0.001). Fetal weight was significantly lower in normal weight gain group compared to excessive weight gain group (p<0.001).
The comparison of more than two groups was investigated using ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test with Minitab 16 (MinitabInc.; StateCollege, PA, USA). The difference between groups was considered statistically significant when p value was<0.05.