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. 2019 Jul 4;10:425. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00425

Table 2.

Measures used to assess social cognition including scales for social functioning.

Measure name/description Link/Reference Task format Skills assessed (See key)
Referenced in over 20% of search papers
Pictures of Facial Affect Ekman and Friesen (55) Visual A
Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test Baron-Cohen et al. (56) C A
Faux Pas Task Stone et al. (57) Verbal
Interpersonal Reactivity Index Davis (58) Scale
Referenced in at least 10% of search papers
Hinting Task Corcoran et al. (59) Verbal C
Strange Stories Happé (60) C A
Intention inference comic strip Sarfati et al. (61, 62) Visual C
Sally Anne Task (or similar first- and second-order belief tasks) Wimmer and Perner (63)
e.g., Baron-Cohen et al. (64); Baron Cohen (65)
Animations Task Abell et al. (66) Visual C A
Yoni Task Shamay-Tsoory and Aharon-Peretz (67)
The Assessment of Social Inference Test McDonald et al. (68) Audiovisual
Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition Dziobek et al. (69)
Referenced in 5 to 10% of search papers
Emotion Quotient (Cambridge Behaviour Scales) Baron-Cohen et al. (70) Scale A
Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale Lane et al. (71)
Facial Emotion Recognition Test Anderson et al. (72) Visual
Facial Emotion and Perception test Langenecker et al. (73)
Facial Expressions of Emotion FEEST Surguladze et al. (74)
Spy test Hala et al. (75) C
Referenced in up to 5% of search papers
False belief and deception task Frith and Corcoran (76) Verbal C
Pragmatic Story Comprehension Task Langdon and Coltheart (77)
False belief and false photo vignettes Saxe and Kanwisher (78)
False photo task Zaitchik (79)
Conflicting beliefs and emotions Shaw et al. (80) C A
Violation of social norms task Berthoz et al. (81)
Joke stories Uekermann et al. (82)
Friend–foe judgment Watanabe et al. (83) Audiovisual C A
Interpersonal perception task Costanzo and Archer (84)
Social Cue Recognition Test and Situational features recognition task Corrigan et al. (85)
Interpersonal perception task Sergi et al. (86)
Facial emotion identification task, Facial emotion discrimination test, Vocal emotion identification task Kerr and Neale (87) Audiovisual A
Bell–Lysaker emotion recognition test Bell et al. (88)
Videotape affect perception test Bellack et al. (89)
Aprosodia battery Blonder et al. (90)
Florida Affect Battery Bowers et al. (91)
Comprehensive affect testing system Froming et al. (92)
Emotional communication Schneider et al. (93, 94)
Mayer–Salovey–Caruso emotional intelligence test Mayer et al. (95) Visual (and verbal) C A
Heider and Simmell animations Heider and Simmell (96) Visual
Picture sequencing Langdon and Coltheart (97)
Visual jokes Thompson et al. (98)
Cartoons Snowden et al. (99)
Humorous cartoons Eddy et al. (100)
Picture sequences Baron-Cohen et al. (101)
Cartoon jokes Corcoran et al. (102)
Profile of Non-verbal Sensitivity Rosenthal et al. (103)
Four factor tests of social intelligence Bertrand et al. (104) Visual (mainly)
Nowicki–Duke facial affect recognition Nowicki and Duke (105) Visual A
Emotional perspective taking task Derntl et al. (106)
Vienna emotion recognition tasks Seidel et al. (107)
Facial affect discrimination Fakra et al. (108)
Penn faces—facial affect recognition from battery (ER-40) Gur et al. (109)
Ackerer face tasks Jehna et al. (110)
Nim stim facial expressions Tottenham et al. (111)
Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces Lundqvist et al. (112)
Emotion recognition test Jehna et al. (113)
Multifaceted empathy test Dziobek et al. (114)
Knower guesser test Povinelli et al. (115) Visual C
Ice cream van task/Cigarettes task Baron-Cohen (65)
Gaze direction task Calder et al. (116)
Attribution of intention task Verdon et al. (117)
Ambiguous intentions attributions questionnaire Combs et al. (118) Scale C
E scale Leibetseder et al. (119) A
Emotional response scale Batson et al. (120)
Mehrabian empathy scale Mehrabian and Epstein (121)
Toronto empathy questionnaire Spreng et al. (122)
Social adjustment scale II Schooler et al. (123) F
Social behavior scale Wykes and Sturt (124)
Social Dysfunction index Munroe-Blum et al. (125)
Zigler Social competence scale Zigler and Levine (126)
Theory of mind assessment scale Bosco et al. (127)
Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy Reniers et al. (128)
Social cognition and functioning Olbert et al. (129)
Inventory of interpersonal problems Beeney et al. (130)
Social problem solving inventory D’Zurilla et al. (131)
Assessment of interpersonal problem solving skills Donahoe et al. (132) Role play F
Simulated social interaction test Curran (133)
C, Only/primarily assesses understanding of cognitive mental states; A, Only/primarily assesses understanding of emotions/affective mental states; F, explores functioning across a range of everyday situations.