Table 1.
Parameters governing membrane voltage dynamics
Parameter | Symbol | Value |
Avogadro number | N a | 6.023 × 1023 mol−1 |
Electric charge per Ca2+ ion | q Ca | 3.2 × 10−19 C |
Volume of (spherical) ER–/ER+ spine head | V spine | 0.06 μm3 |
Resting membrane potential in spine/dendrite | u rest | −70 mV |
Resistive coupling between spine head and parent dendrite | R C | 100 MΩ |
AMPAR conductance parameter | g A | 0.5 nS |
AMPAR rise time constant | τr A | 0.2 ms |
AMPAR decay time constant | τd A | 2 ms |
AMPAR current reversal potential | E A | 0 mV |
NMDAR conductance parameter | g N | 65 pS in model synapse (gives ∆CaEPSP = 0.2 μm) |
NMDAR rise time constant | τr N | 5 ms |
NMDAR decay time constant | τd N | 50 ms |
NMDAR current reversal potential | E N | 0 mV |
VGCC activation offset | u m | −20 mV |
VGCC activation slope | k m | 5 mV |
VGCC activation time constant | τm | 0.08 ms |
VGCC inactivation offset | u h | −65 mV |
VGCC inactivation slope | k h | −7 mV |
VGCC inactivation time constant | τh | 300 ms |
Maximum depolarization during BAP in dendritic compartment | V 0 | +67 mV |
Fast time constant of BAP decay | τf | 3 ms |
Slow time constant of BAP decay | τs | 40 ms |
Effective number of co‐active synaptic inputs at dendritic compartment (rate‐dependent plasticity) | ρS | 5 × 105 cm−2 |