Fig. 1.
Pulse sequences for refocusing inhomogeneous and dipolar broadening. a The combined Hahn and solid echo sequence CHASE-5 with cycle time tc = 3tπ + τevol consisting of the total gate time 3tπ and total free evolution time τevol = 6τ (where τ ≫ tπ is the free evolution time between two pulses). b Extension to CHASE-10, which is less sensitive to finite pulse durations tπ > 0. c Using symmetry considerations, a further optimised sequence CHASE-20 is constructed. d The longest sequence CHASE-34 with a total gate time 20tπ has the best refocusing capability for tπ → 0. The radio frequency (rf) carrier phases are φx = 0, φ−x = π for ±x rotations around the axis and φy = π/2, φ−y = 3π/2 for ±y rotations around . Narrow pulses indicate π/2-rotations with pulse time tπ/2 and broad pulses correspondingly represent π-rotations with duration tπ