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. 2019 Jul 18;54(1):1900491. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00491-2019


Summary of the effect of treatment on pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), asthma exacerbations and mortality

Study [ref.] Subjects n Duration weeks Asthma severity# Treatment group Change from baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 mL Exacerbations Mortality %+
Overall ED and hospitalisation
Busseet al. [79] 36 010 26 Moderate ICS Not reported 11.7% 0.60% 0
ICS/LABA Not reported 9.8% 0.66% 0
DREAM [80] 616 52 Severe Placebo 60 2.40 0.43 0
Mepolizumab 115–140 1.15–1.46 0.17–0.25 1
MENSA [81] 576 32 Severe Placebo 86 1.74 0.20 1
Mepolizumab 183–186 0.83–0.93 0.08–0.14 0
MUSCA [82] 551 24 Severe Placebo 56 1.21 0.10 0
Mepolizumab 176 0.51 0.03 0
CALIMA [83] 1306 56 Severe Placebo 215§ 0.93§ 0.04§ 0
Benralizumab 330–340§ 0.60–0.66§ 0.04–0.05§ 0
SCIROCCO [84] 1205 48 Severe Placebo 239§ 1.33§ 0.18§ 0
Benralizumab 345–398§ 0.65–0.73§ 0.06–0.11§ 0
Castroet al. [85] 953 52 Severe Placebo 120 1.81 0.12 0
Reslizumab 220 0.84 0.077 0
QUEST [86] 1902 52 Moderate-to-severe Placebo 180–210ƒ 0.87–0.97 0.065 0
Dupilumab 320–340ƒ 0.46–0.52 0.035 0

Ranges indicate results with different doses/routes of administration. ED: emergency department; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; LABA: long-acting β2-agonist. #: asthma severity based on treatment requirements and prior asthma exacerbation rates; : events are expressed as episodes per patient per year, unless otherwise specified; +: rounded to 0 decimal places; §: data are for the subgroup with severe asthma and eosinophils ≥300 cells·µL−1 (n=728 in CALIMA and n=809 in SCIROCCO); ƒ: change from baseline at week 12 (all other FEV1 data presented as change from baseline at the final study visit).