Immunohistochemical detection of FASL and MMP2 in development of alveolar bone in wild type mice. Morphological staining (haematoxylin‐eosin) of lower jaw at P6 (A), P12 (F) and P24 (K). Immunodetection of SOST‐positive osteocytes at P6 (A′), P12 (F′) and P24 (K′); immunodetection of FASL at P6 (B,D), P12 (G,I) and P24 (L,N); immunodetection of MMP2 at P6 (C, E), P12 (H, J), P22 (M, O). Alb (alveolar bone), buc (buccal), M1 (first molar), N (nerve), lin (lingual), pod (periodontium). Yellow arrows point to positive cells, white arrows point to negative cells. Scale bar: 50 μm (D,E,I,J,N,O), 100 μm (A,B,C,F,G,H,K, L,M).