Workflow for parallel proteomic and histone analysis of
resected (gross image of representative tumor at right) and processed according
to standard pathology procedures. Representative sections from tumor blocks from
pathology archives were reviewed on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) histologic
sections to identify the regions of interest. IHC (inset) on adjacent sections
allowed for separation of MPNST tumors into MPNSTLOSS (left) and
MPNSTRET (right) on the basis of H3K27me3 staining.
MPNSTLOSS were defined by global loss of H3K27me3 nuclear
staining, with retained internal control staining in nontumor tissue (blood
vessel, center of IHC inset). MPNSTRET were defined by any degree of
retained staining in tumor nuclei. B, From blocks identified in
A, tissue was isolated from representative cores of FFPE
tissues, and total protein was extracted. A portion of the total protein was
processed in solution for MS and proteomic analysis using standard processing
and analysis software (top), and a portion was sampled for SDS-PAGE, from which
the histone bands were excised for in-gel digestion, derivatization, and histone
PTM analysis using distinct analysis software (bottom).