Global proteomic analysis reveals PRC2 loss enhances tumor growth
pathways and promotes immune evasion. A, Heatmap depicting
Z-score for proteomic data, for proteins with P
< 0.05 between conditions. B and
C, GSEA for selected annotated gene sets run using the GSEA
preranked tool, with all identified proteins ordered by differential expression
between MPNSTLOSS versus MPNSTRET. Proteins showing
increased expression in MPNSTLOSS have positive enrichment values and
are shown in B. Those with decreased expression in
MPNSTLOSS have negative enrichment values and are shown in
C. NES, normalized enrichment score. D, Heatmap
depicting Z-scores for all MHC protein groups identified across
proteomic dataset, ordered with MPNSTRET (left) and
MPNSTLOSS (right). Class I MHC proteins are at the top and class
I are at the bottom. E, IHC staining for MHC class I (top) and MHC
class II (bottom) from representative sections of MPNSTLOSS (left)
and MPNSTLOSS (right). In MPNSTLOSS, HLA-A, B, C staining
is largely confined to blood vessels, whereas in MPNSTRET, membranous
staining is visible in tumor cells as well. MHC class II, represented with
HLA-DR staining, is essentially absent in MPNSTLOSS, with only rare,
positive-staining antigen-presenting cells. In MPNSTRET, these cells
are more numerous. The IHC findings agree with the quantitative values seen
across the dataset in the MS analysis.