MPNSTLOSS exhibit global DNA hypermethylation.
A, Methylation array data (62) for MPNST tumors analyzed as a function of H3K27me3 status
(loss, red; retained, blue). Cumulative distribution function for methylation
B-values across all probes in the dataset. Shift of the curve toward the lower
right indicates hypermethylation in MPNSTLOSS
(P< 0.00001). B-D, Tukey boxplot of
methylation B-values for probes within the specified genomic regions for
P< 0.0001, two-tailed t test, all
comparisons. E and F, GSEA for rank-ordered list of
differentially methylated promoters (log2
MPNSTLOSS/MPNSTRET) queried against antigen
presentation (E) and IFN response (F) gene sets
previously shown to have decreased protein abundance in MPNSTLOSS.
Nominal P values are shown. G and H,
WGBS DNA methylation comparison of MPNSTLOSS and MPNSTRET
cell lines. G, Visualization of DNA methylation of a representative
genomic region containing expressed and unexpressed genes and intergenic regions
illustrating genome-wide trends summarized in H. The methylation
differences between MPNSTLOSS (90_8TL and S462) and
MPNSTRET (STS26T) are least prominent in the expressed genes
(designated as “high” with the bar below the
x-axis) and CpG islands, and highest within silenced genes
(designated as “low” with the bar below the
x-axis) and intergenic regions, where global loss of K27me3
leads to replacement by DNA methylation.