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. 2018 Oct 25;19(12):2575–2589. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12730

Table 3.

Generalized linear model analysis of the frequency of pvr2 3 resistance breakdown (RB) with four explanatory variables linked to evolutionary forces characterizing Potato virus Y (PVY) populations in the different pepper genotypes. The explanatory variables are the differential selection σ r, the effective population size during plant colonization (N e), the effective population size at inoculation (N e inoc) and viral accumulation (VA). A stepwise selection procedure, both forward and backward, was applied using Akaike’s information criterion. The resulting model presented had a null deviance of 2264.3 on 83 degrees of freedom, whereas the residual deviance was 1287.7 on 75 degrees of freedom. McFadden’s R 2 was 0.40.

Explanatory variable Estimate Standard error z value P value
Intercept 4.71 0.60 7.81 6e‐15***
σ r −56.32 4.02 −14.03 <2e‐16***
N e −3.6e‐02 6.7e‐03 −5.37 8e‐08***
VA −2.92 0.40 −7.26 4e‐13***
σ r × VA 28.44 2.97 9.56 <2e‐16***
N e × N e inoc 1.5e‐03 2.9e‐04 5.30 1.1e‐07***
N e × VA 7.8e‐03 1.8e‐03 4.26 2.1e‐05***
N e inoc × VA 2.5e‐02 9.3e‐03 2.73 0.0064**

†** and *** correspond to 0.01 and 0.001 significance thresholds, respectively.