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. 2015 Jun 17;17(2):296–302. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12277

Table 1.

Frequency of resistance breakdown (RB), relative viral accumulation (VA) and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for 20 pepper accessions carrying the pvr23 or pvr24 allele inoculated with Potato virus Y

Accession code Accession name pvr2 allele RB frequency (%) (n = 60)a VA (n = 10)b AUDPC (n = 20)b Deletion in the pvr6 genec
PM1237 Piment de Thaïlande pvr23 0a 0.001a 55cd No
PM1123 276F pvr23 0a 0.006ab 85gh No
PM1242 G1 pvr23 0a 0.010bc 78fg No
PM1614 C69 pvr23 0a 0.063cde 54c No
PM0834 AC 1448 pvr23 0a 0.103def 67de No
PM1238 Piment Ile Maurice pvr23 0a 0.166efg 72ef No
PM1060 PI 123 474 pvr23 0a 0.173efg 69de No
PM1430 Pikuti pvr23 0a 0.202efg 43b No
PM1525 Ubud Bali 2 pvr23 0a 0.215bcdefg 43b No
PM1491 Copoya pvr23 0a 0.250efgh 95h No
PM1014 Bousso 2 pvr23 0a 0.269bcdefgh 70de No
PM1564 Beijin pvr24 0a 0.664gh 61cd No
PM1400 P 709 pvr24 1.6a 0.014cd 35a No
PM1612 Jaipur pvr23 1.6a 0.398efgh 88gh No
PM0659 Perennial pvr23 1.6a 0.406fgh 41b Nt 89 to 170
PM1067 Huixtan pvr23 1.6a 0.416gh 90h No
PM1487 Souman Boucoule 3 pvr23 3.3a 0.142efg 71e No
PM0687 PI 322 719 pvr24 5a 1.010hi 74ef No
PM0836 PI 369 940 pvr23 40b 2.141i 74ef Nt 89 to 170
PM1243 G4 pvr24 52.5b 2.804i 75ef Nt 89 to 170

Letters represent homogeneous groups identified by pairwise comparisons (Fisher exact tests at the 5% type‐I error threshold corresponding to a 0.00027 threshold after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons). RB frequency evaluated after inoculation with PVY CI chimera.


Letters represent homogeneous groups identified by pairwise comparisons (Wilcoxon tests at the 5% type‐I error threshold with Benjamini and Yekutieli correction). VA and AUDPC evaluated after inoculation with PVY CI chimera carrying the genome‐linked viral protein (VPg)‐N mutation.


In three accessions, an 82‐nucleotide (nt) deletion (from nucleotide 89 to 170) resulted in a premature stop codon and a truncated non‐functional eIFiso4E (Ruffel et al., 2006).