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. 2016 Apr 3;17(7):1080–1094. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12349

Table 1.

Translocation of HrpF‐cCya or HopI1‐cCya into Nicotiana tabacum cells by Pseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoi.

P. syringae pv. averrhoi Genotype Assay target* Translocation (pmol cAMP/μg protein)
HL1 Wild‐type HrpF‐cCya (pNCHU1947) 32.22 ± 14.19
HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1881) 355.18 ± 155.7
HL1‐N1033 ΔhrcC::nptII HrpF‐cCya (pNCHU1947) 1.37 ± 0.23
HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1881) 1.84 ± 1.9
HL1‐N1589 ΔhrpF HrpF‐cCya (pNCHU1947) 2.47 ± 1.16
HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1881) 2.33 ± 0.95
HL1‐N1589/pNCHU1591 ΔhrpF/hrpF HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1938) 29.07 ± 14.31
HL1‐N1589/pNCHU1808 ΔhrpF/hrpF K67A HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1938) 2.16 ± 0.13
HL1/pBBR1MCS‐5 Wild‐type/EV HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1938) 354.07 ± 81.55
HL1/pNCHU1591 Wild‐type/hrpF HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1938) 22.46 ± 16.76
HL1/pNCHU1593 Wild‐type/hrpG HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1938) 332.92 ± 55.01
HL1/pNCHU1866 Wild‐type/hrpFG HopI1‐cCya (pNCHU1938) 101.40 ± 12.79

*Bacterial strains carried pNCHU1947, pNCHU1881 or pNCHU1938 (Table S1) which expresses HrpF‐cCya or HopI1‐cCya from a lac promoter of the plasmid.

Levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the leaf samples of Nicotiana tabacum were determined at 6 h post‐infiltration with bacterial inoculum at an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.3, and the values represent the mean and standard deviation (n = 3) in each treatment.

EV, empty vector.