Figure 2.
Map indicating the position of the rearranged fragments of Dioscorea cayenensis‐rotundata badnavirus endogenous pararetroviruses (EPRVs). A scaled linear view of Dioscorea bacilliform alata virus (DBALV) genome organization is shown in the top panel as a reference with the same colour code and fragment numbers as in Fig. 1. The direction of the arrows indicates sequence orientation. (A) G1Dr sequence amplified from D. rotundata GN155 plant. *Frameshift between fragments 1 and 2. (B) Sequences amplified from D. rotundata using the verifG1F/R primer pair. (C) H2Dc sequence amplified from D. cayenensis HT1 plant, and S1H3Dr and S1H4Dr sequences amplified from D. rotundata Sd1 seedling using B389‐2F/3R and B389‐2F/4R primers, respectively. Overlapping boxes indicate duplicated sequences within given EPRVs.