Figure 3.
Plant agroinfection using the pBin‐35SBM construct. (A) Detection of the genomic Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV)‐EK RNA in four independent Arabidopsis thaliana upper noninoculated leaves. Five nanograms of in vitro transcripts (Tr) were used as a control for positioning the genomic RNA (gRNA). (B) Detection of the genomic BMYV‐EK RNA in seven independent Montia perfoliata noninoculated leaves. (C) Detection of the BMYV‐EK coat protein (CP) in M. perfoliata noninoculated leaves of plants exhibiting different levels of RNA accumulation using an antiserum raised against Turnip yellows virus (TuYV)‐CP. Equal loadings of total RNA or proteins were visualized by ethidium bromide staining (rRNA) and membrane staining (MS). Numbers correspond to the individual plants tested. Viral RNAs were detected using the 5′ probe (A and B). Plants 4–7 from (B) were analysed in (C). M, mock infection; TuYV, TuYV‐infected plant extract.