Figure 1. Auditory cortical and ventral pallidal stimulation drive diverse changes in VTAX neuron firing. See also Figure S1 and S2.
(A) Schematic of experimental strategy for recording VTAX neuronal response to AIV and VP stimulation. (B to G) Experiment conducted on simultaneously recorded wide-spiking VTAX neuron and thin-spiking VTA interneuron. (B) Antidromic identification (left), and AIV stimulation (right). Arrows, VTAX antidromic spiking (black) and collisions (blue). Asterisks: interneuron spikes. Filled triangles: stimulation artifacts. Scale bars: 0.1mV (vertical), 2ms (horizontal). (C) Left, overlay of raw trace from 10 VTAX spikes (red). Middle, 10 VTA interneuron spikes (black). Right, amplitude and duration of all recorded VTAX (red) and interneuron (black) spikes. (D) Cross-correlogram of spontaneous firing between the two units. Horizontal bars, significant response (p<0.05, z-test) (STAR Methods). (E) Raster plots (top) and rate histograms (bottom) of interneuron (black) and VTAX neuron (red), aligned to AIV stimulation. Horizontal bars indicate significant response (p<0.05, z-test) (STAR Methods). (F) Same as (E) for VP stimulation. (G) Summary of VTAX response types (n=8 neurons with AIV stimulation, n=5 neurons with VP stimulation).