Figure 3. Ethanol consumption, water consumption, and quinine resistant consumption after 17 weeks of two-bottle choice drinking.
Measurement of ethanol intake at the 30 min (A) and 24 hr (B) time points over the second 7-week period of intermittent 2BC drinking. Both AIR and AIE exposed rats exhibited stable ethanol intake across days. The average daily consumption of ethanol over the drinking period was not significantly different between groups (bar graph insets). The volume of water consumed by AIR and AIE exposed rats at 30 min (C) and 24 hr (D) time points during the second 7-week 2BC drinking period. Day to day consumption of water at both the 30 min and 24 hr time points was stable, and again there were no differences between AIR and AIE exposed rats in average intake (bar graph insets). Following a total of 17 weeks of 2BC drinking, assessment of quinine suppression of consumption revealed significant decreases in ethanol intake relative to baseline at the 30 min time-point (E) for the 10 and 30 mg/L concentrations of quinine, but not for the 100 mg/L concentration. Similarly, 30 mg/L quinine reduced consumption at the 24 hr time-point (F) indicating partial expression of aversion resistant drinking. No significant differences between AIR and AIE exposed rats were observed at any quinine concentrations tested. Asterisks indicate significantly different from 0 and 100 mg/L (E) or only 0 mg/L (F). *p < 0.05; n = 7-8/group.