The requirement for UL16 among Syn mutants matches that for gE. (A) Vero cells were infected at a low MOI with ΔUL16/gK.A40V or ΔUL16/gK.L118Q. All the other ΔUL16/syn variants produced either no plaques or fully lytic plaques. At 48 hpi, the cells were fixed and stained with DAPI or an antibody for VP5. Representative bright-field and fluorescent images were taken for each variant. (B) For each of the indicated mutants, the areas of 30 individual sites of infection were measured at either 36 hpi (gKsyn parents) or 48 hpi (mutants lacking UL16). The reduced average areas of the mutants relative to their gKsyn parent are plotted. ****, P < 0.0001, Student's t test. Additionally, each site of infection was scored as syncytial, mixed, or lytic (as defined in the text), with the linear distribution of these phenotypes shown graphically.