Table 3.
ToxCast p1_v2 chemicals that produced greater than 50% median inhibition (n=3) in the single point screen at 200 μM and were further tested in concentration-response.
Single Point Screen |
Concentration Response |
Ranka | Chemical | Median % Inhibition | IC20 (μM) | IC50 (μM) | Hill slope |
2 | Emamectin benzoate | 100 | 16.68 | 26.41 | −3.06 |
3 | Zoxamide | 93 | 8.18 | 17.01 | −1.95 |
4 | Oxytetracycline | 91 | 7.00 | 20.24 | −1.42 |
5 | Captafol | 89 | 4.78 | 12.90 | −1.47 |
6 | Triflumizole | 89 | 13.28 | 18.81 | −5.01 |
7 | Dicofol | 88 | 35.75 | 91.95 | −1.67 |
9 | Oryzalinb | 82 | 117.64 | 145.11 | −7.97 |
10 | Fluazinam | 76 | 15.26 | 37.03 | −2.27 |
11 | Fenthion | 74 | 3.79 | 26.38 | −0.86 |
12 | Cyazofamid | 71 | 21.09 | 94.51 | −1.09 |
15 | Maneb | 68 | 15.52 | 50.10 | −1.31 |
16 | Azinphos-methyl | 66 | 24.09 | 85.76 | −1.31 |
17 | Diclosulam | 59 | 23.84 | 161.27 | −0.95 |
18 | Fipronil | 58 | 30.78 | NA | −1.78 |
19 | Butachlor | 58 | 18.63 | 40.57 | −2.39 |
20 | Chlorothalonil | 57 | 24.52 | 51.35 | −3.23 |
21 | Metolachlor | 57 | 55.73 | 370.84 | −1.79 |
22 | Captan | 55 | 45.26 | 166.10 | −2.77 |
Number corresponds to median inhibition efficacy rank in single point screen at 200 μM (with the exception of fluazinam, which was plated at 180 μM), shown in Figure 4 and Supplemental Table 1.
Concentration-response for TCp1_v2 oryzalin matched internally sourced oryzalin (IC50 = 187.8 μM and Hillslope = −7.97, see Figure 1E).