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. 2019 Jul 18;16:110. doi: 10.1186/s12978-019-0770-1

Table 2.

Stepwise regression of relative fertility cost and fertility benefit on fertility desire

Predictor B SE β t F ΔR2
Constant 1.843 0.385 4.790*** 18.872***
Par_J 0.216 0.078 0.147 2.765** 0.085
Hea_R −0.239 0.081 −0.164 −2.972** 0.042
Mu_C 0.277 0.082 0.186 3.366** 0.039
Flou_F 0.209 0.067 0.152 3.121** 0.021
Ti&op_C −0.144 0.073 −0.11 −1.978* 0.008

Note: n = 396, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Par_J parenting joy, Hea_R health risks, Mu_C mutual care among siblings, Flou_F the flourishing of family, Ti&op_C time pressure and opportunity cost