LAMP1 axonal trafficking in APPL loss of function mutants. (A) Immunolabeling of GFP- tagged LAMP1 (green) and V5-tagged APPL (magenta) in adult GF axons co-expressed using the R68A06 Gal4-driver. Single confocal slices of the different channels in the same plane are shown separately and together. No co-localization was observed. Scale bar represents 10 μm. (B) Kymographs (unbleached) of axonal transport of LAMP1-GFP vesicles in wildtype (WT) control animals and APPLd null mutants (Supplementary Videos S6, S7). Videos were obtained at two frames per second. (C) Quantification of LAMP1-GFP vesicle trafficking in wildtype and APPLd mutants. Numbers of stationary vesicles, and numbers of vesicles moving in anterograde and retrograde direction (Flux) were analyzed. N indicates numbers of axons assessed. Error bars represents standard error mean. Statistical significance between genotypes was assessed using Student’s t-test (ns, non-significant, p > 0.05).