a, Example of PAR and myosin protein concentration and velocity
fields obtained at a single time point during polarity establishment from
confocal medial sections using MACE (4 minutes after flow onset; blue,
PAR-2::GFP representing pPARs; red, PAR-6::mCherry representing aPARs; grey,
NMY-2::GFP; see Methods). Scale bar, 5
µm. A and P denote the anterior and posterior, respectively.
x indicates the position along the circumference, with the
posterior pole at x = 0. b, Average NMY-2 dissociation rates as
measured by FRAP for unperturbed, par-2, par-6
and par-2 / par-6 double RNAi embryos as a
function of position and cortical PAR state (see schematics at the bottom); see
Supplementary Fig.
2d-g for statistics. c, NMY-2 dissociation rates as a
function of PAR-6 concentration. Solid line represents a linear fit with slope
kAM = -0.002 ± 0.0007
µm2 s−1 and intercept
koff,M = 0.117 ±
0.009 s−1. Due to uncertainties in the determining the PAR-6
concentration, condition [6]
(par-2 RNAi, posterior side) was not included (Supplementary Fig. 2h).
d, NMY-2 association rates as a function of position and
cortical PAR state (see schematics at the bottom). Error bars are standard error
of the mean.