The fitted lines represent locally estimated scatterplot smoothed (loess) curves for infants with solo RV infection and those with RV/RSV coinfection. Only in infants with solo bronchiolitis, there were significant associations of nasopharyngeal A) IL-4, B) IL-5, C) IL-13, D) TSLP levels and E) RV genomic load (lower cycle threshold [CT] value indicates higher genomic loads) with a significantly higher risk of asthma at age 4 years with the use of generalized linear mixed-effects model. The grey bar represents the range in which 95% of data are present. The results of all cytokines are presented in Figures E2 and E3 (Online Supplement).
Abbreviations: IL, interleukin; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RV, rhinovirus; TSLP, thymic stromal lymphopoietin.