Table 2.
Rotated Factor Loadings
Measure | ADHD Symptoms | Executive Function | Basic Reading | Reading Comprehension & Math |
SWAN inattention | .79 | .16 | −.08 | .08 |
SWAN hyperactivity | .75 | .08 | −.07 | .06 |
CBCL Attention Problems | −.86 | .03 | −.12 | .06 |
CBCL ADHD Symptoms | −.91 | .06 | −.05 | .07 |
DKEFS Trails (number-letter switch) | .05 | .39 | −.05 | .36 |
DKEFS VF (switch) | .04 | .28 | −.01 | .14 |
DKEFS CW (color-word) | .06 | .77 | −.09 | −.07 |
DKEFS CW (switch) | .02 | .76 | .02 | −.14 |
GORT (rate) | −.06 | .25 | .71 | .08 |
GORT (accuracy) | −.02 | .16 | .87 | −.12 |
GORT (fluency) | −.09 | .26 | .88 | −.06 |
GORT (comprehension) | −.03 | −.14 | −.11 | 1.1 |
GORT (oral reading index) | −.08 | .09 | .49 | .58 |
WRAT4 spelling | .00 | .04 | .82 | −.04 |
WRAT4 math | .24 | .08 | .19 | .34 |
WJ (word attack) | .00 | −.30 | .96 | .06 |
WJ (letter-word ID) | .16 | −.34 | .85 | −.10 |
Notes: CBCL=Child Behavior Checklist; DKEFS=Delis-Kaplan Executive Functions System [VF=verbal fluency; CW=color-word interference]; GORT=Gray Oral Reading Test; SWAN=Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal behavior rating scale (higher indicates fewer attention problems); WJ=Woodcock Johnson IV Achievement Test; WRAT=Wide Range Achievement Test.