Figure 4. Longer duration of SE in mice with reduced adult neurogenesis compared to intact adult neurogenesis.
A. Representative examples of 10 h-long EEG are shown, beginning with pilocarpine injection, for mice with intact (1) and reduced (2) neurogenesis. GFAP-TK-: intact neurogenesis (n=13); GFAP-TK+: reduced neurogenesis (n=13).
B. The EEG recording of the right hippocampus at 5 h from the onset of SE is expanded in mice with intact (1) and reduced (2) neurogenesis. The EEG of the mouse with intact neurogenesis shows much less activity than the mouse with reduced neurogenesis.
C. 1. The latency to the onset of SE was similar in the two genotypes (p = 0.243). 2. The duration of SE (defined in Supporting Information Fig. S2 and Methods) was longer (by ~1 h) in mice with reduced neurogenesis compared to intact neurogenesis (p = 0.015).