Figure 1.
Gating strategy of flow cytometric analysis. (A) Gating strategy for naïve CD4+ T cells, CD25+ regulatory T cells (CD25+ Tregs), activated CD25+ regulatory T cells (activated CD25+ Tregs), CD25−LAG3 T cells, and CD25+LAG3+ T cells. (B) Gating strategy for follicular helper T cells (Tfh), helper T cells (Th), Th1, Th17, Th1/17, and non Th1/17. (C) Gating strategy for B cell subsets (naïve B cells, switched memory B cells (Sw MB), unswitched memory B cells (UnSw MB), plasmablasts and transitional B cells). (D) Gating strategy for NK cells. (E) Gating strategy for monocyte subsets (classical monocytes, intermediate monocytes and non-classical monocytes).