Figure 5.
Accumulation of Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) coat protein (CP) in Nicotiana benthamiana protoplasts over‐expressing KELP or KELP‐DsRed. Protoplasts were prepared from N. benthamiana leaves infiltrated with untransformed agrobacteria (lanes 1 and 2) or agrobacteria transformed with pART27‐KELP (lane 3) or pART27‐KELP‐DsRed (lane 4). The freshly prepared protoplasts were treated with 10 mm phosphate buffer (lane 1) or inoculated with virion‐derived ToMV RNA (lanes 2–4). Western blot analysis was performed 24 h after inoculation to detect ToMV CP (top), KELP (middle) and KELP‐DsRed (middle). To estimate the amount of loaded proteins, the 55‐kDa ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) large subunit (LS) on the sodium dodecylsulphate‐polyacrylamide gel, stained by Coomassie Brilliant Blue, is shown (bottom). The positions of ToMV CP (18 kDa), KELP (19 kDa), KELP‐DsRed (48 kDa) and Rubisco LS (55 kDa) are indicated on the right. The positions of molecular size markers are shown on the left.