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. 1966 Mar-Apr;70A(2):193–197. doi: 10.6028/jres.070A.016

Table 6.

Corrected isotopic ratios for the reference sample

Mass spectrometer Determination number Cr50/Cr52b Cr53/Cr52b Cr54/Cr52b
MS-2 1 0.051880 0.113416 0.028218
2 .051898 .113415 .028209
MS-4 3 .051828 .113319 .028239
4 .051830 .113393 .028220
Mean 0.051859 0.113386 0.028222
Overall limit of errora ±0.000100 ±0.000145 ±0.000059
Uncertainty components:
95 percent confidence limits on ratio determination ± 0.000029 ± 0.000032 ± 0.000019
Bounds due to possible systematic error in correction factor ± 0.000039 ± 0.000043 ± 0.000022
Bounds due to possible systematic error in chemical analysis ± 0.000007 ±0.000015 ± 0.000004
Bounds due to possible systematic error in attenuation calibration ± 0.000025 ± 0.000055 ± 0.000014

The overall limit of error is the sum of the 95 percent limits for the ratio determinations and the terms covering effects of known sources of possible systematic error.


Each of these ratios is the average of 4 ratios from different runs.