Figure 5.
(a) Dynamics of individual RhB-labeled GP-PICsomes in the absence of any external hydrodynamic force. Top and bottom rows represent ten single-frame sequential snapshots for two representative GP-PICsomes in solution. Left and right panels represent corresponding maximum projection (MP) images46 of the same area (at 2× magnification) for trajectory duration of 40.5 and 13.5 s. Movies M1 and M2 are provided in Supporting Information. (b–d) Solution dynamics and eventual surface association of GP-PICsome aggregates of various sizes formed upon the addition of Con-A, in the absence (b) and presence (c,d) of weak hydrodynamic flow. Rightmost panels in (b–d) depict MP images over entire trajectories from which representative single-frame sequential snapshots are shown for each aggregate. Movies M3, M4, and M5 are provided in Supporting Information. (e) Variety of multiple scattered GP-PICsome aggregates attached on to glass surface with blowups (5 × 5 μm2), depicting the presence of many GP-PICsomes within each aggregate. (f) Formation of very large extended aggregate clusters of GP-PICsomes upon incubation with Con-A for 30 min. Movie M6 provided in Supporting Information depicts the clustering of aggregates in three dimensions.