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. 2019 May 21;60(4):538–545. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrz027

Table 2.

Coefficients and features of three radiomic signatures for pCR

Coefficients Features
Radiomic signature 1 (Sig 1)
 −0.283 (β0) constant
 −0.122 (β1) bin32_original_shape_SurfaceVolumeRatio (x1)
 −0.139 (β2) (x2)
 0.160 (β3) bin32_wavelet.LLH_GLRLM_ZoneEntropy (x3)
 0.181 (β4) bin32_wavelet.HHH_GLRLM_RunEntropy (x4)
 0.012 (β5) bin32_wavelet.LLL_GLRLM_RunVariance (x5)
Radiomic signature 2 (Sig 2)
 −0.288 (β0) constant
 −0.014 (β1) (x1)
 −0.054 (β2) bin64_wavelet.LHH_GLSZM_LowGrayLevelZoneEmphasis (x2)
 0.068 (β3) bin64_wavelet.LLH_GLSZM_ZoneEntropy (x3)
 0.210 (β4) bin64_wavelet.HLH_GLRLM_RunVariance (x4)
 0.131 (β5) bin64_wavelet.HHH_GLRLM_LongRunEmphasis (x5)
 0.015 (β6) bin64_wavelet.HHH_GLRLM_RunEntropy (x6)
Radiomic signature 3 (Sig 3)
 −0.312 (β0) constant
 −0.028 (β1) (x1)
 −0.143 (β2) (x2)
 0.247 (β3) bin128_wavelet.HLH_GLRLM_RunVariance (x3)
 0.116 (β4) bin128_wavelet.HHH_GLRLM_LongRunEmphasis (x4)
 −0.011 (β5) bin128_wavelet.HHL_GLCM_ClusterProminence (x5)
 −0.024 (β6) bin128_wavelet.HHL_GLSZM_ZonePercentage (x6)

pCR = pathologic complete response, Filter “Wavelet”, H = high-pass filter (applied in the x, y and z directions, respectively), L = low-pass filter (applied in the x, y and z directions, respectively), pCR = pathologic complete response, GLCM = Gray Level Cooccurrence Matrix, GLSZM = Gray Level Size Zone Matrix, GLRLM = Gray Level Run Length Matrix.