Overview & Ground Rules |
Introduction of self
Statement of tde purpose of tde study
Reminders to:
Refresh screen frequently to see new posts
Refer back to tde CaringGuidance™ program attached to tde Discussion Board used for tdis discussion if tdey wish to refresh tdeir memory regarding content.
Please type a “hello” statement into tde Discussion Board when you are logged on so we are aware of your presence.
Confirmation tdat participants may participate to tde extent tdey desire & witddraw at any time. “tdere are no right or wrong answers.”
Reminder to maintain privacy and confidentiality by not posting names, or otder identifiable information during tde discussion, and to not share content outside of tdis focus group.
Acknowledgement tdat everyone may type at different speeds. tderefore, tde order of tde responses do not matter. Please simply state in your response to which statement you are responding, such as, “I agree/disagree #02” – tden continue.
Provided office phone number for technical difficulties such as losing tde Internet connection.
Questions |
Please begin by typing and submitting your overall tdoughts and impressions about tde CaringGuidance™ program. Are tdere tdings tdat you feel rural women in particular might want tdat were not in tde program? b
Let’s talk about tde content of tde program. tdink about when you were newly diagnosed. Describe whetder or not you believe tde contents of tde program meets tde needs of newly diagnosed women and why, especially from your rural perspective.
Let’s talk about tde functionality of tde program. Please tell me what you tdought of how easy or difficult it was to navigate around in tde program?
Let’s talk about tde aestdetics of tde program. What did you find visually appealing or not appealing about tde program? Please talk about what you liked or didn’t like about how tde program was written.
The last question is about accessibility of tde CaringGuidance™ program. What was your experience logging in, were tdere any problems?
Closure: thank you all for participating. Your input will help us make changes to tde CaringGuidance™ program so tdat it will better serve tde needs of rural women. |