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. 2019 Jul 10;45:45–53. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2019.07.003

Table 3.

Intraoperative fluids and vasoactive medications in undergoing major liver resection with and without restrictive fluid therapy. Data presented as number (proportion). Effect size reported as odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval).

Restrict group (n = 24) Conventional care group (n = 24) Effect size (CI) p value
Total fluid intraoperatively (mL) (including colloids, crystalloids and blood) 2000 (1050:2449) 2000 (1500:2875) −388 (−958:183)a 0.18
Median fluid infusion rate (mL/kg/hr) 4.3 (2.6:5.8) 6.0 (4.2:7.6) 1.69 (0.13: 3.25)a 0.03
Total fluid balance (mL) 808 (571:1565) 1345 (900:1983) 537 (26:1071)a 0.05
Urine output (mL) 290 (163:563) 280 (173:304) −131.5 (−276:12.9)a 0.07
Crystalloid therapy
No of patients 24 (100%) 24 (100%) >0.99
Total volume (mL) 1875 (1000:2000) 2000
Colloid therapy (excluding blood)
No of patients 15 (62.5%) >0.99
Total volume (mL) 200 (500:700) 14 (58%) 0.44
20% albumen 200 (175:550)
No of patients 7 (29%) >0.99
Total volume (mL) 200 (200:200) 8 (33%) >0.99
4% albumen 200 (125:200)
No of patients 6 (25%) 0.75
Total volume (mL) 500 (500:1000) 8 (33%)
500 (500:875)
Blood transfusion
No of patients 2 (8%)
Total volume (mL) 356 (248:465) 1 (4%) >0.99
465 (465:465) Not estimable
Any vasoactive/inotrope 23 (96%) 22 (92%) 2.09 (0.18:24.7)b 0.55
Metaraminol 4 (25%) 11 (46%) 0.06
Norepinephrine or phenylephrine 17 (71%) 13 (53%) 0.37
Ephedrine 3 (12.5%) 6 (25%) 0.46
Dopamine/dobutamine 7 (29%) 3 (12.5%) 0.29
Metoprolol/esmolol 1 (4%) 2 (8%) >0.99

Incidence rate ratio.


Odds ratio.