LAIR1 gene structure and linkage disequilibrium.
(a) The LAIR1 gene is composed of 12 exons located on chromosome 19q13.4 in the leukocyte receptor complex. The SNPs selected for investigation were rs6509867 (16231C>A) and rs2287827 (18835G>A), respectively. The 16231C>A variant is located in the 3ā UTR, while the 18835G>A SNP is located in the intergenic region between LAIR1 and LILRA4 (leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor A4).
(b) Linkage disequilibrium between the selected LAIR1 SNPs: 16231C>A and 18835G>A (Dā: 0.339, LOD: 30.31, r2 squared: 0.079).