Fig. 4.
NuRIM delivers structural information on native pores. (A) The average positions along the nucleocytoplasmic axis were determined for most Nups and transport factors. Strains that showed any evidence of tag interference are indicated by an asterisk. For comparison, selected Nup probability densities from the integrative NPC model of Kim et al. (5) are displayed using UCSF Chimera software (see also Table 2). (B) A fully symmetric arrangement of the Y complex across the NE plane must lead to equal average values for all Y-complex Nups (hypothetical arrangements are shown). (C) Successive NuRIM positions of the Nups along the long axis of the Y complex resulted in a linear regression angle α of only 3 ± 2°, thus providing little evidence for asymmetry. (D) Upon acute glucose starvation, no large-scale changes were observed for either Nup116-yEGFP or Nup120-yEGFP but yEGFP tags at the extremity of FG repeats appeared to converge. Error bars represent the SEM.