Fig. 3.
Repopulation of CD11cDTR/GFP:CX3CR1YFP-creER:ROSADTA retina after tamoxifen-induced DTA ablation of CX3CR1+ cells. Mice were given 3 mg tamoxifen on day − 2 and day 0 and harvested on the indicated days post-tamoxifen. a Microglia-like cells preferentially repopulate the inner plexiform layer (IPL) first and then the outer plexiform layer (OPL) after tamoxifen ablation. Yellow—YFPhi cells; green—GFPhi cells. Note again that cell bodies of YFPhi cells are very bright, and often spill into the GFP channel, appearing as small green dots lacking dendrites in the GFP panels (examples marked by yellow arrows). Scale bar 100 μm. b Quantification by flow cytometry of the depletion and spontaneous repopulation of retinal CD11b+ (CD45+CD11b+Ly6G−) cells post-tamoxifen ablation. Cell number given as mean ± SD from control (UNT, no tamoxifen) mice or tamoxifen-treated mice. Four to eight retinas were harvested at each time point