Figure 6. Silk Film-based delivery to overcome the restrictive peri-lesional zone of damaged brain tissue.
(A) Injured animals with PI films were administered with YOYO-1 via IV injection at 1hr post-injury, and the brains were harvested 30min later. Representative fluorescence photographs of injured brain sections schematized in d, showing the lateral (e), proximal (f), medial (g), inferior (h) regions surrounding the contusion (Inj., demarcated with dotted lines), and a higher magnification of the lesion center (i) (YOYO-1, green; PI, red). The edges of the contusion are demarcated with dotted lines, and the cortical surface with a solid line. Scale bar, 100 μm. (B) Representative fluorescence images of the lesion core of contused cortexes of mice with necrosis cell marker (PI, red, and YOYO-1, green) delivery. (a) Brain with vehicle films and PI and YOYO-1 combined IV injection. (b) Brains with PI films and YOYO-1 IV injection. (c) Brains with YOYO-1 films and PI IV injection. (d) Brains with PI and YOYO-1 combined films. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Quantification of PI+ (red) and YOYO-1+ (green) cell counts in the lesion core of brains with vehicle films plus PI+YOYO-1 IV injection (n = 4), PI films with YOYO-1 IV injection (n = 6), YOYO-1 films with PI IV injection (n = 3), and PI/YOYO-1 combined films (n = 3) (Student’s t-test, *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01).