Fig. 5.
The effect of axon terminal field extent on spatial information score and the effect of multi-resolution input on spatial information score. (A) The mean spatial information score within 0.1 mm bins along the dorso-ventral axis were plotted with the corresponding linear fits. The mean values within a bin were plotted for visual clarity, but the regressions were performed using the raw data. (B) The magnitude of the slope between the spatial information score and dorso-ventral position decreased exponentially with the axon terminal field extent. The error bars denote the standard error for the estimates for slope. (C) The mean spatial information increases exponentially with axon field extent. The error bars denote standard deviation. (D) The standard deviation of the grid field areas that a granule cell received were plotted against the corresponding spatial information score. (E) The standard deviation of grid field areas in the input is correlated with the axon terminal field extent. A larger axon terminal field results in a granule cell receiving a total input with a larger variety of grid field sizes.