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. 2019 Jul 15;62(7):252–256. doi: 10.3345/kjp.2019.00227

Table 2.

Catch-up immunization schedule for persons aged 4 months through 18 years who start late or who are more than 1 month behind: the Korean Pediatric Society, 2018*

Vaccine Minimum age for dose 1 Minimal interval between doses
Dose 1 to dose 2 Dose 2 to dose 3 Dose 3 to dose 4 Dose 4 to dose 5

Children aged 4 months through 6 years
Hepatitis Ba) Birth 4 Weeks 8 Weeks (at least 16 weeks after 1st dose)1)
Minimum age for the 3rd dose is 24 weeks
Diptheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DTaP)b) 6 Weeks 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Months 6 Months2)
Inactivated poliovirusc) 6 Weeks 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Months3)
Haemophilus influenzae type bd) 6 Weeks 4 Weeks: if 1st dose was administered before the 1st birthday 4 Weeks4): if current age is younger than 12 months and 1st dose was administered at younger than age 7 months 8 Weeks (as final dose): This dose only necessary for children age 12 through 59 months who received 3 doses before the 1st birthday
8 Weeks (as final dose): if 1st dose was administered at age 12 through 14 months 8 Weeks and age 12 through 59 months (as final dose): if current age is younger than 12 months and 1st dose was administered at age 7 through 11 months
No further doses needed: if 1st dose was administered at age 15 months or older 8 Weeks and age 12 through 59 months (as final dose): if current age is 12 through 59 months and 1st dose was administered before the 1st birthday, and second dose administered at younger than 15 months
No further doses needed: if previous dose was administered at age 15 months or older
Pneumococcal conjugatee) 6 Weeks 4 Weeks: if 1st dose administered before the 1st birthday 4 Weeks: if current age is younger than 12 months and previous dose given at <7 months old 8 Weeks (as final dose): This dose only necessary for children aged 12 through 59 months who received 3 doses before age 12 months or for children at high risk who received 3 doses at any age
8 Weeks (as final dose for healthy children): if 1st dose was administered at age 12 through 23 months 8 Weeks (as final dose for healthy children): if previous dose given between 7 through 11 months (wait until at least 12 months old)
8 Weeks (as final dose for healthy children): if 1st dose of PCV10 administered at age 24 months or older 8 Weeks (as final dose for healthy children): if current age is 12 months or older and at least 1 dose was given before age 12 months
No further doses needed for healthy children: if 1st dose of PCV13 administered at age 24 months or older No further doses needed for healthy children: if previous dose administered at age 24 months or older.
Rotavirusf) 6 Weeks 4 Weeks 4 Weeks
Hepatitis Ag) 12 Months 6 Months
MMRh) 12 Months 4 Weeks
Varicellai) 12 Months 3 Months
Japanese encephalitisj) 12 Months 7 Days: inactivated vaccine 6 Months: inactivated vaccine 2 Years: inactivated vaccine 5 Years: inactivated vaccine
12 Months (as final dose): live vaccine

Children and adolescents aged 7 through 18 years

Hepatitis Ba) NA 4 Weeks 8 Weeks and at least 16 weeks after 1st dose1)
Inactivated poliovirusc) NA 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Months
Hepatitis Ag) NA 6 Months
MMRh) NA 4 Weeks
Varicellai) NA 3 Months: if younger than age 13 years
4 Weeks: if age 13 years or older
Japanese encephalitisj) NA 7 Days: inactivated vaccine 6 Months: inactivated vaccine 2 Years: inactivated vaccine
12 Months (as final dose): live vaccine
Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap)/ Tetanus, diphtheria (Td)k) 7 Years 4 Weeks 4 Weeks: if 1st dose of DTaP was administered before age 12 months 6 Months: if 1st dose of DTaP was administered before age 12 months
6 Months: if 1st dose of DTaP was administered at or after age 12 months 10 Years: if 1st dose of DTaP was administered at or after age 12 months
Human papillomavirusl) 9 Years Routine dosing intervals are recommended Routine dosing intervals are recommended

PCV10, pneumococcal conjugate 10-valent vaccine; PCV13, pneumococcal conjugate 13-valent vaccine.


A vaccine series does not need to be restarted, regardless of the time that has elapsed between doses. For additional information regarding each vaccine, vaccination providers should refer to appropriate part of the Korean Pediatric Society Immunization Guideline or the insert paper for each vaccine.


Hepatitis B vaccine: Unvaccinated children or adolescents should complete a 3-dose series. Minimum age at the third dose is 24 weeks.


Diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine: The fifth dose of the DTaP vaccine is not necessary if the fourth dose was administered at age 4 years or older.


Inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV): In the first 6 months of life, minimum age and minimum intervals are only recommended if the person is at risk of imminent exposure to circulating poliovirus. The final dose in the series should be administered on or after the fourth birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose. The fourth dose is not necessary if the third dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after the previous dose. If both the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) and IPV were administered as part of a series, a total of 4 doses should be administered, regardless of the child’s current age.


Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine: For unvaccinated children aged 15 through 59 months, administer only 1 dose. Hib vaccine is not recommended for healthy children 5 years or older.


Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV): For unvaccinated children aged 24 through 59 months, administer only 1 dose. PCV is not recommended for healthy children 5 years or older.


Rotavirus (RV) vaccine: The first dose of any RV vaccines can be administered as early as at 6 weeks of age. According to the product, administer a 2-dose (Rotarix, GSK, Middlesex, UK) or 3-dose series (Rotateq, MSD, NJ, USA). The minimum interval between any doses is 4 weeks, the maximum age for the first dose in the series is 14 weeks 6 days, and the maximum age for the final dose in series is 8 months 0 days.


Hepatitis A vaccine: Children should receive a second dose 6 to 18 months after the first dose.


Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine: Administer the second dose at age 4 through 6 years. However, the second dose may be administered at least 4 weeks after the first dose in special situations.


Varicella vaccine: For children aged less than 13 years without evidence of immunity for varicella zoster, administer only 1 dose. For adolescents aged 13 years or older without evidence of immunity for varicella zoster, administer 2 doses with a 4- to 8-week interval. The second dose of vaccine may be administered to children aged 12 months to 12 years who attend facilities where chicken pox is prevalent, provided at least 3 months have elapsed since the first dose.


Japanese encephalitis vaccine (JEV): If the third dose of inactivated JEV was administered at age 4 through 9 years, the fourth dose may be administered as a final dose at age 12 years. If the third dose of inactivated JEV was administered at age 10 years or more, an additional dose is not necessary. If live attenuated JEV is used, administer the second dose at least 12 months after the first dose.


Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis (Tdap)/tetanus and diphtheria toxoid (Td) vaccine: Persons aged 7 years and older who are not fully immunized with DTaP vaccine should receive Tdap vaccine as 1 dose (preferably the first) in the catch-up series and if additional doses are needed, use the Td vaccine.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: Administer the 2nd dose as a final dose for girls who received 1st dose at the age younger than 15 years (14 years for Gardasil [MSD]) at minimal interval of 5 months (6 months for Gardasil). For girls with immunocompromising conditions or those who are 15 years (14 years for Gardasil) or older at initial vaccination, administer the 2nd dose 1 month after the 1st dose of Cervarix (GSK, Rixensart, Belgium) and 2 months after the 1st dose of Gardasil/Gardasil9. Administer the 3rd dose for all HPV vaccines 5 months after the 1st dose. Minimal intervals between the 1st–2nd, 2nd–3rd, and 1st–3rd doses are 4 weeks, 12 weeks, and 5 months, respectively.