Figure 2.
Immunohistochemical expression of AT1, AT2 and MAS in the uninvolved colorectal mucosa, adenomatous polyps and in carcinomas from the same CRC patients. H&E normal colonic mucosa (A); tubular adenoma (B); Adenocarcinoma (C). Both, AT1 and AT2 expression in uninvolved mucosa (D; G) is strong in apical surface epithelium (arrowheads) and becomes weak near basal crypt glands. Weak cytoplasmic staining is seen in adenomatous mucosa (E; H) in contrast to strong expression in carcinomatous cells (F; I). MAS receptor expression sharply switches from weak staining in uninvolved (J) and adenomatous mucosa (K) to strong cytoplasmic staining in colonic adenocarcinoma (L).