Inhibition of NF-κB increases sensitivity to BET inhibition in vivo. A, Tumors derived from R-Omm1.3 cells were implanted in athymic nu/nu mice. When these tumors reached an average of 270 mm3 diameter, the mice were administered (7/group) with vehicle or PLX51107 20 mg/kg orally, PTL 10 mg/kg i.p., and the combination of the two drugs. The treatment duration was 3 weeks for vehicle and 5 weeks for the drug treatments. The tumor size was measured twice a week. Each value represents the mean measurement of at least 5 animals. ± SEM, #, P < 0.05. B, Body weight of the host mice was measured twice a week. C, Two xenograft tumors per group were lysed at the end of the treatments and analyzed by Western blotting with the indicated antibodies.