(A) Schematics showing the calculation of the Charm score for mutated
drivers (TSG and OG) alone (CharmTSG-OG; above) and mutated drivers
plus GO proliferation drivers (CharmTSG-OG-GO; below). Similar
methods were utilized to determine the Chrom scores (see STAR Methods).
(B) Table showing the relationship between the deletion-amplification
frequency of arm (or chromosomes) for the indicated tumor types with the Charm
or Chrom scores derived using the mutated TSG/OG from BRCA or PAAD and the GO
genes (when indicated) from HMEC or HPNE. Pearson’s correlation
coefficient (r) and p value are indicated.
(C and D) Correlation between the CharmTSG-OG-GO (or
ChromTSG-OG-GO) score determined using the mutated TSG/OG from
BRCA (C) or PAAD (D) and the HMEC GO genes (C) or HPNE GO genes (D) and the
deletion-amplification frequency in BRCA (C) or PAAD (D) at the arm or
chromosome level, as indicated.
(E) MCF7 tumor volume over time following implantation of ORF
sublibrary cells into cleared mammary fat pads of NSG mice. Tumor volumes from
each flank in a single mouse were summed, and the mean was computed across all
dox mice (n = 9) and all no dox mice (n = 3). Error bars ± SD. p value
was determined by one-tailed Student’s t test.
(F) Scatterplot of the Z score for genes in the MCF7
Sublibrary proliferation screen versus MCF7 Tumor screen, colored according to
MCF7 Sublibrary gene category. Pearson’s product-moment correlation
coefficient (r) is indicated.
See also Figures
S6 and S7
and Table S6.