Figure 7. Annotation of the Cancer Genome with Amplified GO Genes.
Schematic representation of the human genome with recurrent focal amplicons of three cancer datasets (BRCA, PAAD, and pan-cancer) indicated by colored bands. GO genes (defined as the top 1,000 genes from the HMEC and HPNE screens) found within pan-cancer or BRCA peaks (HMEC) or within pan-cancer or PAAD peaks (HPNE) are indicated, and the text color corresponds to the screen in which they scored. Only GO genes that are within the top 70% of expressed genes in cancer are depicted (see STAR Methods). For BRCA peaks, both GISTIC2 and ISAR predictions were considered. Colored tracks to the left of chromosomes indicate relative peak locations. Peaks are not drawn to scale.
See also Table S7.