(A) Male Wistar rats were separated into three groups (n = 10 per group). The first group received weekly IP injections of DEN (50 mg/kg diluted in PBS), the second and third groups received weekly IP injections of DEN as above and were also treated with either 10 or 30 mg/kg ND-654 once daily by oral gavage beginning at 14 weeks. Survival was examined by a Kaplan-Meier analysis. For combination studies, DEN-injured rats received vehicle control (VEH), 10 mg/kg ND-654 (ND-654), 10 mg/kg sorafenib (SOR), or the combination of 10 mg/kg ND-654 and 10 mg/kg sorafenib (COMBO) by oral gavage for 5 weeks. (B) Representative images of whole livers are shown. (C) Representative images of H&E stainings of tumor illustrating increased necrosis (N) in treated tumors (100X magnification). (D) Tumor nodules ≥5 mm were counted. (E and F) Levels of phosphorylated ACC (p-ACC), total ACC, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and actin were measured by western blot analysis in (E) liver tissue and (F) tumors (representative blot from 3 independent experiments).
* significantly different from PBS, p < 0.05
** significantly different from DEN, p < 0.05
**** significantly different from DEN, DEN + ND-654, and DEN + SOR, p < 0.05