(A) Western blots of lysates of yeast
cells expressing two copies
of the CYP2D6-wt, CYP2D6.1, CYP2D6.10, and CYP2D6-C proteins, from
the HIS3 and URA3 chromosomal loci
of the strain YY7. Total protein (10 μg) from ∼1 ×
106 cells, obtained after lysis of the four strains (expressing
2 copies of each the four CYP2D6 alleles), was probed with a CYP2D6
antibody (panel A; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-130366) and a β-actin
antibody (panel B; Proteintech, 60008-1-Ig). Lane 1, CYP2D6-wt; lane
2, CYP2D6.1; lane 3, CYP2D6.10; lane 4, CY2D6-C; and lane 5, 0.3 pmol
of CYP2D6-wt Sacchrosomes (i.e., microsomal CYP2D6-wt enzyme, isolated
from baker’s yeast; CYP Design Ltd), as a positive control.
(B,C) Calibration of CYP2D6 activities produced by 1/ × 107 cells that express CYP2D6-wt (2D6-wt), CYP2D6-C (2D6-C),
and CYP2D6.10 (2D6.10) proteins (B), using a standard curve (C) drawn
using specific amounts (1, 1.5, 2, and 3 pmol) of CYP2D6 Supersomes
(Corning, #456217); CYP enzymes from Corning are widely considered
to be the benchmark in the area of recombinant human CYP microsomal