A schematic model for Alternol-induced attenuation of Krebs cycle metabolism. Alternol interacts with DLAT/PDH and DLST/KGDH complexes and reduces their enzymatic activities (solid red arrow). Alternol also interacts with FH and MDH2 to increase their activities (solid green arrow). Compared to BPH1 cells, the basal levels of citric acid, malic aicd, fumaric acid and succnic acid were higher in PC-3 cells (open green arrow). Alternol treatment in PC-3 cells reduces the levels of malic acid, fumaric acid, isocitric acid and succinic acid (open red arrow). Alternol had no effect on Krebs cycle metabolites in BPH1 cells. All events lead to reduced succinate levels, attenuated mitochondrial respiration and less ATP production in PC-3 cells (purple arrow)