Knocking out Hck did not modulate cognitive phenotypes in J20 mice. (a-f) WT, Hck-KO, J20 and J20/Hck-KO mice of 5–6 months were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests, namely NOR (a), OIP (b) and MWM (c-f). There were no significant differences in the recognition index (RI) of NOR (a) and OIP (b) tests between the genotypes during the 1, 3 and 5 mins of the experiments. MWM training revealed that J20/Hck-KO mice took significantly longer escape latency than Hck-KO mice on the second day of training, but had comparable latency with WT and Hck-KO mice on the third day (c). n = 13–18, * p < 0.05 and **** p < 0.0001 relative to Hck-KO mice; # p < 0.05 and ### p < 0.001 relative to WT mice (Repeated measures two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons of performance by genotype per day). At 72 h and 1 wk after last MWM training, J20/Hck-KO showed trend of shorter but not significant escape latency than J20 mice in both MWM tests (d). The data coincided with slightly more crosses observed in J20/Hck-KO mice than J20 mice during the 72 h and 1 wk tests (e). There was no significant difference in the % time spent in the target (f) quadrant between the genotypes either. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM at n = 13–18.