(A) Close-up images of larval brains expressing RNAi against opa in type II lineages, stained for Dpn and Ase, lineages outlined with yellow dashed lines, Dpn-/Ase- INPs are marked with white arrowhead, Dpn-/Ase+ INPs are marked with yellow arrowhead, scale bar 10 μm (induced with worGal4, aseGal80, marked with membrane bound GFP). (B–C) Close-up images of larval brains expressing RNAi against opa in type II lineages, stained for Dpn, D and Ey (B), and Grh (C), lineages are outlined with yellow dashed line, scale bar 10 μm (induced with worGal4, aseGal80, marked with membrane bound GFP). (D) Quantification of Dpn+, D+, and Dpn+, Grh+, and Dpn+, Ey+ INPs in control and opa knock-down brains, n = 5, total INP numbers in control were normalized to 100%. Data represent mean ± SD, ***p<=0.001, Student’s t-test. (D+ INPs control 12.6 ± 1.5 [n = 5], opa RNAi 33.3 ± 2.35 [n = 6], p<0.001; Grh+ INPs control 8.8 ± 1.6 [n = 5], opa RNAi 0 [n = 6], p<0.001; Ey+ INPs control 14 ± 0.89 [n = 5], opa RNAi 0.5 ± 0.86 [n = 5], p<0.001). (E) Close-up images of larval brains expressing opa RNAi in INPs, stained for pH3, Mira and aPKC, the crescents of Mira staining are marked with white arrowhead, and the crescents of aPKC staining are marked with yellow arrowhead, scale bar 10 μm, (induced with ermGal4, marked with membrane bound GFP).
Figure 2—figure supplement 2—source data 2. Quantification of number of INPs in three different temporal identities between control versus opa-depleted brains with type II-specific driver (Figure 2—figure supplement 2D).