In all phase portraits point attractors are shown as spheres, spiral sinks as cylinders, saddles as cubes. Colour code indicates time class, from C12 (black) to T8 (yellow). Trajectories simulated from AC/DC subcircuits are shown in turquoise and trajectories from simulations of the full model in black. (A) Instantaneous phase portraits of AC/DC1 (A) and the full model (A’) in nuclei between 37 and 47% A–P position. (B) Instantaneous phase portraits of AC/DC2 (B) and the full model (B’) in nuclei between 49 and 59% A–P position. (C) Instantaneous phase portraits of AC/DC3 (C) and the full model (C’) in nuclei between 61 and 67% A–P position. (A, B, C) show trajectories of both AC/DC1 (turquoise) and the full model (black) from C14A-T1 to T8; (A’, B’, C’) show trajectories of the full model from C12 to C14A-T8 (black). Point attractors are shown as spheres, spiral sinks as cylinders, saddles as cubes. Colour code indicates time class, from C12 (black) to T1(dark red) to T8 (yellow). Axes represent concentrations of gap proteins (in arbitrary units) as indicated. See ‘Materials and methods’ for model definition and details on phase space analysis.